
My name is Jeff Klouda. I am a student at the University of Notre Dame studying Visual Communication Design and Computer Engineering.


University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN

Expected May 2020

Reilly Dual-Degree Program:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Graphic Design


Web Design, Photography, Typography, Data Structures, Design/Analysis of Algorithms, Intro to Artificial Intelligence, Database Concepts, Operating System Principles, Systems Programming, Computer Graphics, Electronics, Computer Architecture, Logic Design


Elite Electronic Engineering

Summer 2016, 2017, 2018

Prepared and performed radiated power and sensitivity tests on customers’ mobile broadband and Wi-Fi compatible devices.

Worked with a team to configure a building-wide network, set up new Windows computers for office and testing environments, and provided support for existing systems.

Assisted engineers with setup, testing and data collection for environmental stress tests on customers’ automotive and aerospace electronic components.

Programmed power supply to simulate surges and interruptions that occur on AC power lines in order to evaluate immunity of customer’s power line switch gear.


CS for Good

Project Leader from September 2017 to Present

Assisted in establishing a chapter of CS + Social Good at the University of Notre Dame, a student club focused on using computing technology to create a positive social impact and fostering a culture of engagement within the field of computer science.

Design for America

Studio Member from August 2015 to May 2017

Developed multiple projects in a design role, including a project seeking to reduce waste in the Notre Dame dining halls and a prototype website to experiment in ways of presenting dorm rooms to users through both virtual reality and a traditional website using Google Cardboard and Google Street View.